Ski into the wild lands and silent forests with us as we share both top tips and inspiration for winter hunting.

Astuce technique du mardi : bien se chausser dans vos randonnées de ski Skinbased
On nous demande souvent quelles bottes utiliser avec les fixations universelles EA des skis Skinbased. La réponse? Ça dépend! Cette semaine, nous partageons notre expertise et nos conseils sur cette question en discutant des principaux facteurs pouvant influencer votre choix : le terrain, vos compétences en ski et la température.

What to Bring on Your First Skinbased Ski Outing
There is nothing quite as exhilarating as the feeling of the world passing under your feet as you effortlessly slide over frozen precipitation on your Skinbased skis. Snow, and the ability to move over it, can make even familiar terrain exciting and new again. If you have the desire to get out and experience your surroundings in their altered, winter state, but are not sure what gear and equipment you will need (or simply would like a review), then we invite you to read on.